There is a very efficient way to be happy. It requires that we change the focus of our thinking from what we want to what we have. It is not about becoming a conformist; quite the contrary! This is a revolutionary way of thinking. It is about focusing on the present rather than living in the future. It takes effort and it brings us a totally new awareness of the word gratitude.

For instance, rather than wishing your spouse were different, try thinking about his/her wonderful qualities. Instead of complaining about your salary, be grateful that you have a job.

Each time you find yourself falling into the “I wish life were different” trap, back off and start over. Take a deep breath and remember all that you have to be grateful for. When our focus is not on what we want, but on what we have, we end up receiving even more of what we want anyway.

The secret is not to focus on the lack, but instead, to focus on the abundance of what we have today at the present moment. When we do this we start building the future we want for ourselves because we are living 100% in the present. When we are grateful for all the gifts life gives us – our loved ones, our daughters and our sons, our pets – we understand the most wonderful lesson in life: The present moment is our greatest gift!

If you focus on your spouse’s qualities, he/she will be more loving. If you are grateful for your job, you will work better at it and will be more efficiently, and probably will end up getting a raise.

It is very appropriet to think more about what we have than about what we want. When we do this, we start to take notice of our “gifts” and begin to truly live in the present. At this moment, maybe for the first time in our lives, we will know what it means to feel satisfied.

Coach's Challenge: Start a gratitude journal today! Before you go to bed write about something you are grateful for that happened to you during the day. You will begin to cultivate a mentality of gratitute and abundance before you know it!

Have a gorgeous month!

With energy,
